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There is no better feeling than a clean closet. Organization is key when it comes to putting outfits together and we're here to help you do just that - organize. You'll feel light and airy once you can easily browse through your clothes and see all of your favorite pieces hanging or folded right where they belong. You'll know exactly where everything is and it will make getting dressing in the morning fun, not stressful or annoying. We'll push you to get rid of that sweater you've been holding on to for 10 years and never seem to find the time to wear. We'll show you how to put together the items you already own, and the best part - we'll make a list of what you're missing and let you know where to find it for a #chicforcheap price!




We'll share our cheat sheet with you and make it simple to keep or toss your stuff. You'll be comfortable with your decisions knowing that we put together new looks with the clothes you already own and you won't feel like you're missing a thing. 


Pile 1: I love it - I'm keeping it. 

Pile 2: I hate it - Good riddens. 

Pile 3: Yes/No/Maybe - I'm not sure, so we'll talk it out and see what we can do and make the final decision together. 

Pile 4: It's great but I really don't need it - Let's sell it or donate it. We'll set you up with a kijiji or ebay account and give you a list of all our favorite charities where items can be donated. 




No explanation needed ;)


Email GIRLWORLDMTL@GMAIL.COM for inquires and prices!


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