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It's the best and worst day of the year when we decide to clean our closets.

I vaccum, I scrub the bathtub, I organize my pantry, I work out, I watch a movie, I change my sheets, I call my Grandma - basically I'll do anything to avoid organizing my clothes and giving things away. I dread it.

The thing is though, when I'm finished I feel like a million bucks. Then I think I'm going to earn a million bucks by selling everything I don't need anymore...but then I realize I need a million bucks to shop. It's an exhausting process, but it's worth it. I promise.

Why now?

June-July is a great time because summer has started and you have a good feeling of the summer clothes that you want to wear and the summer clothes you hate and never feel like putting on.

This time of year is even better because fall and winter have passed and you know exactly what items you wore and what you looked at with bitch face and didn't touch. Plus you can make room for some new pieces you can rock this fall/winter season.

Now, the hard part - what to toss:

Ask yourself the following questions -

Did I wear it this past fall/winter?

Will I wear it next fall/winter?

Does it fit me?

Do I like how it fits me?

Do I feel good wearing it?

Do I have anything to wear it with?

Is it new?

Is it old?


Bag up your unwanted stuff and take it to a:

- shelter

- donation box around the city

- consignment store (#ca-ching!)

or give it to someone you know would love it! #mitzvah

p.s. are you making up excuses to keep certain items? If so, make a pile with the excuses items. At the end go through them again, but this time only make excuses to keep half the items - toss the other half.

What to keep:

1. Cashmere (for the most part it never goes out of style)

2. Anything black that is in good condition and you can pair up with something new and fresh

3. The Classics (aka: white blouses, leather jackets, trench coats, jean jackets, dark denim jeans, simple sweaters, blazers, skinny jeans, leather/pleather pants, jean shorts)

4. Anything that makes you feel good - and I mean it. ANYTHING you feel good in, you keep (I don't care what Vogue says. Ok, that was a lie. #hailVogue.)

5. Evening dresses (I find, with the right pair of shoes and bag you can usually make it work)

I can go on forever, but this is a good place to start. Call or e-mail me for support. I'm here. We are all fashion hoarders to some extent. It's ok. The first step is admitting you have a problem right?


I recently raided my friend's closet and we went through each item one by one (by asking the questions listed above). I think it helps to go through categories such as: tops, pants, dresses, jeans etc. It's a good way to do inventory and feel okay about giving things away.

Also, it really helps to make a list of items you feel like you're missing or something you want to replace. Hate the way your black skinnys fit? Toss them, and write it down so the next time you're shopping (ie: tomorrow) you'll have it in your head and you'll be on the lookout.

You will feel 20 pounds lighter once you get rid of some old and make room for the new. It might be the only cleanse you need to do this summer!

Let me know how it goes :)

BTW - I can't talk about giving away shoes, bags or jewels because that's just sad. Period.


The give away pile from my friends #ClosetCleanse

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