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Hey babes,

So, this is a bit of a weird post for me because I'm not gonna talk about a sale or a must have item. We're gonna be frugalistas here and not spend a dime! We're talking about what to do when you don't have money to shop and it's making you sad.

Listen, chances are if you're reading this blog you're smart. The reason I know this, is because whether you have a black card, a maxed out card or no credit card at all - you understand that fashion is ALWAYS changing and evolving and you're along for the ride whereever it takes us. It's just that sometimes, we get so into it and we find ourselves spending money when we don't need to be.

Here are a few things you can do that will help you re-work your over flowing existing closet and raid a few others! You don't need to spend anything and you don't need to be sad about it. You just have to listen up:

TIP #1

Clean out your closet.

I'm serious. Take an afternoon and empty your closet and your drawers. The reason this is the first step is because you will find treasures. There will be items found that you forgot you even bought and if you're really lucky, they may even have their tags! New! Amazing. If you don't have great luck and your closet isn't full of forgotten gems, then atleast you'll have a clean closet and a better sense of your wardrobe and what you have to work with.

TIP #2

Mix and match clothes that you have never put together before.

Do you have a favorite blouse that you always pair with a certain pair of jeans? Switch it up. Tuck it into a skirt or wear it with leather pants. Change it up.

Change your go-to shoes. Always pairing pumps with a dress? Try tights with the same dress and wear your booties. You really can make the same items look brand new with a few small changes. I am a huge fan of wearing my casual clothes with fancier accessories. You feel like a million bucks and you're comfortable. Going for dinner with friends? Take your favorite cotton t-shirt, tuck it into jeans, add a statement necklace or earrings (or both if you're extra glam) and you're good to go. New outfits are waiting to be put together, all you need is imagination. Go through your work clothes and see how you can re-work them for weekend wear. Some of my work skirts look so serious with a blazer, but the minute you wear a crop top or fitted tshirt tucked in - it's a whole new look. Trust me.

TIP #3

Call your friends.

Do you have an event to go to and you need a new dress, purse, pair of shoes or all three? Don't go buy something. Go borrow something. Girlworld is full of friends and family with closets full of gorgeous pieces waiting to be shared.

TIP #4

Go raid your sister's, mom's, grandma's, aunt's, cousin's closets.

If they clean out their closets too, chances are they'll have stuff they hate and you love. Sometimes you just get sick of your own clothes, or they don't fit or you're just done with them.

You can even make an event of it and get your friends and family together for a clothing swap. Even one new item in your wardrobe can make all the difference.

TIP #5

Save up.

Make a realistic list of what you need. Looking for a pair of leather boots? Don't spend money on small items that you already have. Save that extra cash and you'll feel better when you actually do make the major splurge.

I love to shop, and I love stuff. But sometimes we have to stop and look at all the beautiful things we already have, and if that doesn't work then we have to go see all the beautiful stuff our friends have and borrow it - ok?

Don't be down if your shoppings funds are low. Soon it will be Christmas and boxing day is a whole other conversation.

I love you all and I'm here to support you! I appreciate all the questions, comments and feedback. Girlworld really is the best place to be and I'm never leaving! XOXO


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