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Girlworld HOW TO: survive a cold for $40 or less

OMG. This Winter has been an absolute nightmare. You would think after living in Montreal for the 25 years I've been on this planet, I would be used to it - but I'm not. It has been record breaking cold and I am so over it. Sure the faux fur outfits are fun, and the array of scarves and boots I have collected are chic, but I would do anything right about now to throw on a pair of daisy dukes and a tank top. Normally I wouldn't be so bitter about the weather but for the last 3 weeks I have had the worst, most annoying cold. Flu season comes and goes every year, but this year it seems like it's staying put for more than just one season. Coughing, running nose, blocked nose, sore throat, name it, I've had it. And I know I'm not alone. So many people got hit hard this year. Here's a list of things you need to survive whatever type of cold/flu you're currently suffering from and the great news is: they're all under $40.


Don't laugh at me on this one. I'm telling you. You may be pale, you may be green - but no one will have to know if you're bronzed and glowing (even if it's artificial). As hard as it may be to get up and get dressed, it will help your aura. Life doesn't stop for a cold and putting yourself together can help. A little extra blush can go a long way too. I swear. P.S. You can book your fab spray tan at Barbarella, here!


This is an absolute life-saver. It's organic and made with peppermint, apple, juniper berries and natural eucalyptus. It's not named '911' for nothing. It really is my savior. Whether it actually works or not, I don't know, and I don't care. It helps soothe your throat, keeps you warm and helps you feel like you can breathe through your nose for a few seconds at a time. Enough for me. Steep for 4-7 minutes and enjoy. You're welcome. P.S. if you're not driving, put a little gin in it ;)


Sure, these are a staple in any Montrealers Winter wardrobe. But when you have a cold you just want to wear a Roots onesie all day and stay warm at home. When you actually have to get up and go out, stay bundled up. It's the only way to shield your virus from others and feel your fashionable self. This year, I went hard at the GAP. They came out with super soft and cozy scarves that were pretty close to cashmere (Shop it here). ZARA also usually knocks it out of the park on this one. Look for something extra wide so it can be draped and wrapped around you like a shall or a blanket. Plus, besides tea, it's pretty comforting. Stick to neutrals so you can wear them with everything in your wardrobe.


Yes, I'm aware this is not a groundbreaking revelation, but I don't just mean any tissue brand. I mean Kleenex. The reason is, it comes in the cutest, most stylish packaging and I love throwing one in every jacket and purse I own. I'm always covered and it makes me smile when I take it out. I'm serious about this. Look at the design! Cute, no?

Hope you guys all feel better ASAP! Oh and I'm no doctor, but Advil/Tylenol cold and sinus are pretty helpful too :)

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