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Brains and beauty with a side of business.

If you're already following me on Instagram, you know that I love a good #selfie. I won't go into a debate about the psychological effects (both positive and negative) of posting a close up of your face from your preferred angle with or without your favorite filter (reyes!) on social media for all your followers to see. I'll just say that I'm with the camp that doesn't think too hard about the subject and just has fun with it. If you're confident and cool with yourself, others will be too, I promise. Positive vibes only, right? But that's a whole other topic for another day. Anyway, the reason I brought this up is because I recently had my make up done by an extremely talented make up artist, felt amazing and then naturally I posted a selfie to document it.

I'm not a huge product person and my make up bag is probably pretty weak. That being said, I can't leave the house without bronzer and mascara and recently I haven't left without an attempt at a winged eye liner either. Other than making sure my skin isn't ghostly white and my eyes don't look half asleep, I always like to keep my make up (relatively) minimal.

Enter: Amanda Sculnick.

When I sat down in Amanda's make up chair I told her just that. I said I love make up and big lashes (because who doesn't?), but I also like to feel like myself. I don't want to look unnatural. I just want an expert to transform me into Kendall Jenner. Okay, kidding, J-LO then. Seriously though, when I get my make up done I always want a look that feels fancier than jeans and a t-shirt but not too Oscar red carpet-y. Amanda understood me immediately. She also took the time to show me what products she was using and why they were good for my skin. She also ensured me I would feel flawless for my future selfie, and she was right :)

Amanda literally defines brains AND beauty. She's been a make up artist for the last 4 years and is constantly learning new techniques to even further improve her skills. She's also one of those people who does it all (mom, wife, friend, volunteer, fundraiser, business person) and always looks good doing it. It's kind of annoying actually, but that's just my envy talking ;)

I asked her some hard ball questions (just joking) to get to know her backround and how she turned her love of make up and passion for healthy living into her day job. Trust me, after spending an afternoon with her, I know first hand - we can all learn a thing or two.

Girlworld: Why did you become a make up artist?

Amanda: I just always loved makeup!

GW: Where did you learn?

A: I studied at Salon Deauville and trained with many top artists in Montreal. Artists always need to perfect their skills and I still continue to learn. I'm always open to learning new tricks. I love meeting other artists and exchanging techniques.

GW: What do you like most about your job?

A: I love being a part of weddings - there's such a great energy in the room. The best part is making people feel good about themselves. Helping someone feel better and confident with their looks is really special. When I was sick, Hope & Cope used me as a model and I was so taken aback as I was bald, I felt fat and my skin wasn't perfect. They pampered me, did my make up and I honestly felt like a million bucks. Makeup has the power to lift someone up. I love being apart of that!

GW: What products do you use?

A: Arbonne

GW: Why Arbonne?

A: It's a premium product - (it beat out Smashbox and Mac)! For example, our lipsticks have anti aging, plumping and hydrating effects (just to name a few). The products are also very much in line with what I believe in to help keep my body healthy. They use pure and safe ingredients. Besides the products being incredible and natural there is also an amazing business opportunity that allows me to share my passion with others and help other people get involved as well.

GW: How did you get involved with Arbonne?

A: My naturopath introduced it to me and I fell in love with the products and the fact that it's botanically based (for 35 years!). It was the perfect chance for me to combine my business as a makeup artist with products that I love to use and believe in.

GW: Fave product?

A: Primer - I love the way it feels and love the way the makeup goes on afterwards and stays on!

GW: Fave look?

A: I love a soft smokey eye with nude lips.

GW: Fave event to work for?

A: I love weddings and feeling a part of the most important day in someone's life.

GW: How can we book you?

A: Call me or text me at 514-262-8708

Personal Facebook page: Amanda Dawn Sculnick

Business Facebook page: Tiferet Cosmetiques

GW: Last but not least, lashes or no lashes?

A: Lashes change the look and add such glamour - your eyes sparkle!

For more information, be sure to contact Amanda! She really is the best. I should also mention that her prices are competitive and totally #chicforcheap!

P.S. Above I included the link for Hope and Cope. Please check it out :)

Hope & Cope helps people cope with cancer. Guided by professional staff, cancer-experienced volunteers provide psychosocial support and practical resources that help patients regain a sense of control and well-being, reduce isolation and restore hope. Easily accessible and open to all, Hope & Cope is funded by the community and is located at the Jewish General Hospital’s Segal Cancer Centre and the JGH/Hope & Cope Wellness Centre.

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